Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday Foto Friends #128

BREATHING IN GRACE deb hosts this fun photo hop we all love taking
pics so why not share them with us all

YES Spring has finally sprung however we are still having cool days and cooler nights
but it is in the air

 isn't this the coolest looking gecko?
he finally found a home :)
 mr frog found a new home today also
 here is the wall they found as their new home
metal wall art is the coolest
 theses turtles have been in my family
since 1957 when mom found out she was
pregnant with my first brother and not knowing
if it were to be a boy or girl why not buy BOTH sets.  I am not sure what happened to the
other pink baby and mama they are
ceramic planters I use them for garden
 some more garden decorations
mr frog is trying to get his friends
to come share
 his bunny was given to me by my aunt
and uncle in 1994 as a house warming gift
he is plaster paris talk about heavy hes ready
for spring time as well
 I believe this is vincia not sure but seems
to look like what I looked at at lowes

this is the first year it has came up and actually bloomed
 the iris's are blooming these came from
my grandparents between 1983 AND 1986
they smell like grape soda
these 2 dandelions were peaking through
saying don't forget us

happy arrival of spring!!!   happy weekend to everybody
be blessed

1 comment:

  1. Happy Spring! I see you're on a roll today with the garden theme. That's when we know it's Spring. Yeah. Have a great weekend.
