Thursday, April 26, 2018


 Day 26 things I would say to an ex
This is very fitting (as my ex has been "bugging" me)

I can blog now!!!
My phone doesn't get blown up with text when I am with my mom or friends
It is non of your business!
It was not ALL my fault
You are the one who cheated
Why don't you leave me alone
I can and will put you back in jail
Let me be happy
You talk crap about me, does that make you feel better
   *hence I am a better person than that this is not elementary any longer*
   I have never said one bad thing about you  other than we couldn't get along
Does it make you feel better to stand and curse me, makes you feel like a real man huh?
You had to continually beat on me and threaten me
You are a major control freak
What kind of person does not like animals?
Yes, in fact I did wash my hands
I play my phone games IN peace now
I go to bed when I want and get up when I want *not when you tell me I have to
go to bed or get up and I even take naps now if I need OR want

this list could go on forever

why can't ex's get the hint, *this is why you are an ex* we don't want or need you any
longer in our lives

happy APRIL blogging


  1. Wow--your ex sounds very controlling. How sad! But it's good he's an ex!

    1. he was very CONTROLLING just sad it took me 23 yrs to get out of a very bad situation! HAPPY WEEKEND

  2. ooh my! Thank God you are outta there!

    1. Joyful, thank you so very much! God definitely had his hand on me during our whole marriage.
