Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Roadtripping Through The Hodgepodge

Roadtripping Through The Hodgepodge

From this Side of the PondWelcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge.
 If you've answered the questions add your link at the end of my post,
 then hop over and leave a comment for the person linking before you. Or leave a comment for everyone if you've got the time.

1. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your sense of direction?
 1=can't find my way out of a paper bag and
 10=if I've been somewhere once I can find it blindfolded
 ten years later.

When was the last time you looked at/used a map you
 could hold in your hand? (phones don't count!) 

back east, down south, out west, up north

Choose one of these directional expressions and tell us why you chose it.

My sense of direction is 10, I am very prompt on directions, no matter where I am at
not sure where this came from, but THANK GOD!!!  The last time we used a paper map was in
August on our road trip (Back East to TN)  
Well one of the expressions, they are all hard as I use them all daily,  being from the MIDWEST
I have traveled out west to California, back east to S. Carolina, down South to S. Padre Island TX
and up North to Michigan.  I will use back east, WHY?  well because going back east in the fall
is one of the most beautiful trips one could imagine, and folks from back east are so very 
genuine and real.  And, boy do they know how to make sweet tea over there.

2. Did you do more talking or listening yesterday? Is that typical? Describe your yesterday in one word.
probably 50/50 because Gator had colon surgery so had to listen to the dr, then had a bazillion
questions for him, yes for me it is typical because I am both a talker and a listener

Yesterday (Monday) in one word? BLESSED, 

3. Time, money, water-power-resources, opportunity...which one on the list are you most guilty of wasting? What might you do to change that?

I would say opportunity, Gator is disabled and we have had a lot of time to go traveling, but seem
not to take the opportunity to do it.  Water- and power we are very conservative with as the power
is (prepaid)   Making Time to do the things that we love is how we can change it
4. Did  your family take regular vacations when you were a kid? Tell us something you remember about a family roadtrip from your own childhood.

Visiting Grandparents was our road trip, it was always so much fun getting to see Grandparents
and all of my uncles, aunts cousins.   One TRIP in particular 1977 we went to ST Augustine FL
with my grandparents to see one uncle and aunt *he was a SEABEE in the NAVY* stationed
on a huge ship

5. If you could grow anything you wanted, what would you grow? Why?

I pretty much grow anything, I TOOK my grrandmothers GREEN THUMB I love growing
poinsettias I have mine from 2012 still living.  There is nothing that  I do not enjoy growing
in fact I can't wait till I can have my vegetable garden next year
6. Insert your own random thought here.

Being a LIPSENSE/SENEGENCE Distributor I am my lips best friend!  I am reading 
Joni-Rogers Kant book called Million Dollar Lips    She is the founder of this wonderful product
It is all non tested on animals, minerals are only found in Africa the only company in the world who has the rights.   I have so much homework to be getting done, as I am starting my Make Up Artist Certification
I am looking forward to this wonderful Journey!


  1. Love your answers and I'm envious of you being a 10 with your sense of direction. It also sounds like you have a wonderful garden with your very green thumb. Have a good day.

  2. Pamela Wright, I am not sure where I got the sense of direction, but thankfully! Thank you for stopping by
