Friday, October 6, 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins

We are happy you are here for another week of friendly sharing! As always, you can find the fill-ins here and at each Thursday. On Fridays, we post the link for sharing. The first two fill-ins are always provided by Ellen. The final two statements are offered by myself. You are welcome to answer in the comments, but if you link up, even more people can share!

1. October is the perfect time to look forward to fall and reflect upon the beauty
of the seasons past, and seasons upcoming.  Everything changes with every season

2. Halloween to me is just another day, I love putting fall decorations up but
not exactally Halloween theme

3. Every October, I open all the windows and do my "fall" cleaning, remove the 
hummingbird feeders (bleach and put them up) rake up any fallen leaves
prune any limbs needing pruned and one last mowing and weedeating

4. My experience with the supernatural world is  well, where to begin,  Believing in my faith I have seen my dad every time I need to talk to him he appears and always tells me everything is going to be ok.  I believe my dad is my guardian angel.  However, I do not go to places and look for things to appear or not appear


  1. Excellent responses H C...I Love Autumn!

    WHERE DO YOU ORDER MY PHOTO BOOK ''Wings Over My Texas''? Thru Amazon. Link is on my sidebar @ Hootin' Anni's. I think you'd enjoy it...a lot of birds seen around Port A

    1. Hootin' Anni, thank you so very much I will look for your book!!!!

  2. You link was invalid, so I re-linked you! Please visit others and comment, so they can get to know you! That is half the fun!
    I agree. I like the entire Autumn experience!

    1. Annie
      thank you I am not sure what happened. I stop by a few people every day from the hop

  3. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I especially like #4, I think it is wonderful your Dad appears when you need him. Have a nice weekend!
