Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Time for the hodgepodge

From this Side of the Pond

Joyce over here at fromthissideofthepond host's this wonderful blog hop I have followed this hop off and on since 2010.

It has been a while since I joined, finally got caught up on blogs, recuperated from the A-to Z challenge, the april challenge you know the drill.  ANYWAY HERE WE GO

1. What would you say is your biggest day to day challenge?
I agree dinner is the hardest decision of the day.  Here lately I have been needing to tackle cleaning out the garage and that has been a great big challenge  IE) to hot, too cold, too windy, or raining

2. May 16th is National Biographers Day. What's a biography you really enjoyed reading? Is this a genre you read regularly?
I love reading about peoples lives, to me it is really fascinating.  I recently read the book about

John Gotti he was a big mafia person, but what really got me is how he whined and cried not wanting to go to prison for the crimes he did.  Genre, isn't something that is important to me if the book looks good I will read it 

3. How important is keeping a clean house? Do you need to de-clutter your life?

My house is tidy, like Joyce I like my home to look lived in not something I would be afraid to sit on the sofa,  DUST that is a different story, living in the country I can dust today and by tomorrow write my name persay on everything in the house.  My mom always told me, if the kitchen, living room and bathroom are clean, than you can close the doors on the bedroom if you have clutter

4. You're the 8th dwarf. What's your name?


5. What's surprised you the most about your life or life in general?

what happened to the years I will be 51 next week,  how my life made a big circle I will be getting married in July to my high school sweetheart, took us 36 years to get back together

6. Insert your own random thought here.
live life to the fullest, you never know when you will not be able to enjoy the things you like to do rather it be health ,financial, transportation etc .  Always be kind to others, you never know what they have been through
just this last week our car broke down, thankfully we were only 6 miles from home, but being car-less has now became a pain in the kiester!  you never know how much we take simple things for granted until its not there
Always tell your loved ones  how much you love them as tomorrow is never promised

happy Wednesday! be blessed

1 comment:

  1. I thought I was the only one who enjoy reading a biography.
    Coffee is on
