Saturday, May 12, 2018

Friday Foto Friends #130

Deb over at breathing in Grace host's this foto hop!  come on over
we all have a readily available camera *our cells*  happy Friday

 This is my mom (plaid) and grandma
1967 our first picture together
I was the oldest granddaughter on moms
all of my iris' came from my grandmother
between 1983 and 1986 so glad that the
people who have lived here since didn't
cut them down or kill them

 the iris's are still in full bloom
and so pretty

this one is almost my fav its peach and
burgandy. kind of neat with the opened bloom
and the one getting ready to bloom
this one was almost broken  from
so many blooms on it
they smell so good

happy weekend and dont forget your cameras

1 comment:

  1. I love "vintage" flowers. I have several in our yard that came from my Mamaw and father-in-law and they mean so much to me! HOPE you had a special Mother's Day, sweet Lady. Sorry to be so late to visit...the weekend was full of festivities!
