Friday, May 18, 2018

Friday Foto Friends

Debbie over at Breathing in Grace hosts a fun foto hop!
 Kitty is sleeping on daddy's new box what do you think about her Cindy Crawford mole?  she also wears black lip liner and eye liner without ever having to touch it up
 The sky was beautiful this evening
 Oklahoma state flower Indian blanket these grow on sacred grounds and do not like being transplanted  we have a big ole patch of them growing
Willie goat loves sitting in our lawn chairs

happy weekend everybody and don't forget your cameras


  1. If Willie were MY goat...he'd probably EAT the furniture instead of kaying on it! Seriously.

    Love the kitty make-up

    1. Ms. Annie, he doesn't eat our furniture thank GOD however he loves anything plastic IE wal-mart bags is his favorite toy! He loves playing with the aluminum pie pans, and empty coffee cans. He is a riot to watch this is for sure!
