Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thankful Thursday

 Happy Thursday!

We all have so much to be thankful for on a daily basis.  Instead of listing everything that I am thankful for I am going to focus on 1 thing.  This does not mean I am thankful for everything else.

I am always thankful for my salvation.  Today I am thankful for the much needed rain we have gotten over the last few days, why you ask, do I want to focus on the rain?  

Rain, cleanses the air we breath daily, you should have seen all the pollen, dust, dirt that showed up on the vehicles.  Rain cleanses the outside, like Jesus cleanses us.  Without rain, crops die, grass dies, trees die, cracks in the ground 1" wide or more.  It also effects the hay for winter, people who have farms depend on hay for winter for their livestock.  

Rain also brought a BIG relief in the very hot and dangerous temps, Sunday here the temp was 108 and heat index of 122 and had been in the 100's over 2 weeks straight.  Today the temp is 86.

Let it Rain  what a powerful song


  1. I am so happy that you finally got some rain and a break in the heat. We are having such high heat here as well, although not as hot as yours. The humidity makes it feel much hotter here. We get occasional pop up thunderstorms but they don't really cool it down that much. Mostly make it more humid. But we do appreciate the rain when it comes. I pray God will bless you with some cooler temps and lovely days very soon. Take care my friend.

    1. Thank you! we have very high humidity here sometimes I think it is worse than when I lived in South TX on the Gulf coast. Back in the 100s again thru next weekend.
