Day 12 what texture are you thankful for?
I love the feel of sheets dried out on the clothes line they feel so soft and
Abilities that I am capable of wow, there is so many
My patience I would have to say takes top rank here I prayed so many years
for patience then God kept testing me to see if I was sincere and one
day I said father I am sincere, please just a little bit of patience....
also, I love the ability of caring for people IE being a nurse
I definitely missed my calling
However, I love the ability that God gives me every day when he paints
beautiful paintings for me to photograph
Day 14 what sight am I grateful for?
I am grateful seeing Gator and my mom getting around as well as they both are
I am also grateful for the hand paintings we see all around us when he
Day 15 what season am I grateful for?
I love the smells and beauty of spring, the colors of fall
but Christmas I am thankful for if we didn't have no Christmas there would
be no CHRIST, Easter without Easter we would not have the resurrection of our
Lord and Savior.
Day 16 I am thankful for that first sale with my LIPSENSE BUSINESS!! this
has been a long time coming! BTW ladies if you have never tried LIPSENSE
you are missing out.
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