Friday, December 23, 2022

Festive Friendly Fill-Ins

Joining in on the Fill ins today if you want to  join Festive Friendly Fill-Ins

Hello, friends! I'm so sorry we're so late to post yet again. The good news is that we're late because in a desperate attempt to get my decrepit laptop working better, I managed to get it to do a ton of forgotten updates yesterday evening. It took it the entire night and only just finished a bit ago, which is why we're so late, but since doing these updates, the laptop is still decrepit but much less so. Before it croaks again, right after this we'll be topping off our entire Christmas weekend posts and the beginning of our Twelve Days of Christmas posts so that they're good and ready to go.

Now, moving on, we're ready for a festive Friendly Fill-Ins challenge,                                                                                                and we hope you are as well. We'd love for you to join us!                                                                                                                My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the                                                                                                            first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. My favorite holiday tradition is _________.

2. On Christmas (or Hanukkah) I plan to fill up on _________.

3. 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house _________.

4. _________ is the best way to spread holiday cheer.

My answers are below in bold.

1. My favorite holiday tradition is  

used to be making pies with mom and all the Christmas events

2. On Christmas (or Hanukkah) I plan to fill up on 
Whatever food my brother and sis n law make.  
We are starting our own traditions

3. 'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house 
The girls(fur babies) were all sleeping  The elves on shelf were                                                      
were awaiting santa for their hopeful return to the north pole.

4. Saying Merry Christmas is the best way to spread holiday cheer.


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins. I am sure you must have a lot of nice memories of making pies with your mom. I hope you have a nice Christmas. XO

    1. some of my favorite memories :) She is making pies in heaven now with her mom. I hope you have a Merry Christmas as well ox

  2. Your Mom and my Mom may both be baking pies in heaven! My mother was the queen of pie baking! Christmas usually meant one of her Mincemeat pies as well as her usual apple pie. She made a wonderful coconut cream pie also. Happy memories! Wish I could duplicate her pie crust, but I'm too lazy. I hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas, making new traditions and remembering happy old ones. God bless you dear friend!
