Thursday, April 26, 2018

W is for weather

day 23 W is for weather
hard to believe that we only have 3 days after today time flies

I chose weather as it seems like everybody is having
strange weather for this time of year
ie we are possibly going to have the coldest april on record

the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.

Image result for definition of weather

the weather affects all types of things

  • if you work outside you can't work if it is freezing,storming
    to where it would be unsafe
  • health, do you suffer arthritis?  the weather affects us on this one, the barometric pressure, it it is low we hurt normal we
    are most of time feeling ok
  • if its too cold you cant plant your garden
  • flowers need rain/sun to bloom
how is the weather in your neck of the woods
and how are you affected by it?


  1. The weather has been superb all week after a very long cold and rainy spell. The clouds rolled in today (April 27). I don't mind a bit of rain as long as we get some sun and warmth every now and then.

    1. We had 80 weather earlier in the week yesterday was 50 and rainy. We need the rain for the gardens and flower! Vancouver sure looks like here :) with the trees flowering. One day I hope to visit Europe one time (MY BUCKET LIST) esp Germany and Ireland my heritage! happy weekend
