Sunday, April 29, 2018

Day 29 birthday

Day 29 what I did for my most recent birthday
being that my birthday is in May (22)  last year 2017 I celebrated
my 50th birthday and partied like it was 1999
We ordered a 1/2 sheet cake, and off to our favorite karaoke bar we went

I had told my friends of this CELEBRATION and not one of them replied I was feeling
bummed as here I had this 1/2 sheet cake and nobody to share it :(
I be danged if not every bit of it was eaten they all surprised me and had about 30
people helping me celebrate this milestone of being 1/2 century old.

It was the party of my life, saw friends I hadn't seen since High School but invited
and they came it was truly a treat.

Happy Weekend and April challengers we have one more day of this fun hop left
what shall we do with our free time???


  1. How fun! I can't even remember my long ago. Sounds like a great celebration.

  2. Happy Birthday sound like you had a grand time.
    Coffee is on
