Tuesday, April 10, 2018

I is for Independent

I is for Independent
free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.

not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence.

 this hits the nail on the head for me, after living many
years of abuse.  

It is extremely nice not being controlled and depending
on him.

being independent in today's society you just
about have to learn to be.

however on a GOOD note   I am an Independent
Distributor for Senegence.  *that is still going to be
my S word  yes it keeps popping up I love this
product so much it is hard not to right about it.

Independence is also celebrated by our country which started in 1776
the Declaration of Independence gave us the independent of
the British crown

Texas celebrates their independence yearly from Mexico

Independence/Independent means so many things for so many people

LONE WOLF (this is gator) an independent person

HAPPY a to z blogging

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