Happy Thursday hope everybody is having a great week.
I am thankful today for much needed rain, but now it needs to stop over 15" over the last 3 weeks.
my salvation and that God never gives up on us
cooler temps
food in the cabinets
dependable vehicles
had a great birthday with alot of cards from the women at church
for our country
for my family as we lost an uncle, the last of my dads' siblings but not only that he was my dad's twin so this has hit a little closer to home. I am thankful that he didn't suffer too long only a few short months after the diagnostic of brain cancer. This was the 24 death since the loss of my husband in March of 2021.
Also, my parents home went on the auction Tuesday my brother and I didn't really handle that too well but was better all the way around since mom n dads house was built in the late 50s and needed a lot of work.
My family that will be traveling from out of state to attend the funeral. As well as myself and brothers family.
Thank you for stopping by and hope you have a blessed week
Thursday, May 26
Proverbs 23:2525 May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!