Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday hope everybody is having a great week.

I am thankful today for much needed rain, but now it needs to stop over 15" over the last 3 weeks.

my salvation and that God never gives up on us 

cooler temps

food in the cabinets



dependable vehicles

had a great birthday with alot of cards from the women at church


for our country 

for my family as we lost an uncle, the last of my dads' siblings but not only that he was my dad's twin so this has hit a little closer to home.  I am thankful that he didn't suffer too long only a few short months after the diagnostic of brain cancer.  This was the 24 death since the loss of my husband in March of 2021.

Also, my parents home went on the auction Tuesday my brother and I didn't really handle that too well but was better all the way around since mom n dads house was built in the late 50s and needed a lot of work.

My family that will be traveling from out of state to attend the funeral. As well as myself and brothers family.  

Thank you for stopping by and hope you have a blessed week

Thursday, May 26

Proverbs 23:2525 May your father and mother rejoice; may she who gave you birth be joyful!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Gone but never forgotten

 The Lord called you home May 23, 2022.  He needed you there to be reunited with your bride of 67 years, and with your twin (my daddy).  I am so grateful that we got to visit you last Tuesday and that you were still in the health and that we had a GREAT day of visiting and remembering.      

I am truly sorry that you had to suffer cancer, but thankfully you didn't suffer but a few short months.

you were the last of 9 siblings to remain, and guessing the reasoning was to make sure we would all be ok.

This is the last 3 remaining kids of 9
seated is daddy (this was on his and moms 60th anniversary) along with a double anniversary for Uncle Roy and Aunt Wanda (he is in the blue blazer and reddish shirt)

Daddy is seated as he wasn't feeling the best, he passed Aug 21, 2015.  Dad was 1 month shy of being 83

Uncle James (in the brown blazer) He was 95 when the Lord called him home on Easter Sunday of 2020.  He passed from natural causes he had a good life.

Uncle Roy in the blue was daddy's twin.  

All 3 were veterans Uncle James WWII, Daddy Korean War, Uncle Roy Korean, Vietnam, forgive me drew a blank, but even had a tour with the Persian Gulf war in the early 1990's.    

Uncle Roy, you were my closest uncle, I am guessing because of you and dad, however I truly miss you and I am thankful you're at peace now.  I have all of the memories and thank you for those.   RIP until we meet again.  You were the open link to your 8 siblings now the link is complete again with them and your parents.    Please Give MOM and DAD a big hug for me.

On a side note:  Uncle Roy got a mini urn of daddy's ashes; they will be laid in his arms so they can be together again, and his military honor flag will be placed on his heart, he earned it and wanted it to remain with him.   

My heart is saddened and joyful at the same time, tears are rolling down my face as I am typing.  I am in the process of writing a poem to read at his funeral.

please say some prayers for his 2 kids, as well as MANY nieces and nephews who all loved him dearly.

Monday, May 231 Corinthians 2:1212 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.

Tuesday 4: Time




Hi! Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  Toni has moved on to                              higher ground, but we keep her memory alive.

Let's consider time....

1. When you say "in a couple of days" what time period                        are you thinking?                   Is your time exact or fluid?     

it is both, when I have something to do or someplace to go, it is exact.                    If doing chores, it is fluid.  We have been getting enough rain, mowing                      the lawn is fluid (literally no pun intended) Keeping the                                 twins the time is exact as I do not want mom and dad late for work

2.Does time get away from you? How do you handle time?

yes, it gets away from me, being disabled seems like it flies by.                           time is handled doing my blogs, catching up.  I have been learning                  how to bible journal and love it, it can be very addictive.                                   Spending time with my fur babies, that is most rewarding.

3. People say time is short.   Then why do you do so many             things you don't like and so few of the things you do like?

I am not sure to the answer, I do what I love, journaling                                blogging, photography.  I am my own boss, I decide!

4. Do you have enough time to do the things you want                            to do or live as you would like to live?

Most days yes, I have plenty of time, unless the weather is                             making everything hurt, then I rest and sleep, then I do                                       not have time to get things done.  There is always tomorrow, right?                       I am living the life I love to the fullest.  Only way I keep going.


Monday, May 23, 2022

Birthday photos

Sunday was my 55th birthday was a very relaxing day.    Went to eat at Rib Crib (being on Sunday the German restaurants were not opened), then milkshake from Braum's     Afterwards went out to the lake for a little bit, now mind you it was 60 degrees dreary rainy and cloudy.  
found this pretty little Spidrwort I love the color
these little daisies *one of my favorites* were just asking me to take a picture of them.
I am always looking at the trees for something cool, and here it is, love how the algae and stuff grows on the trees
this is the lake, Claremore OK where they found the 9.5 male alligator.  If you want to read about it you can google alligator at Claremore OK.    

    Sunday, May 22

Romans 5:5

5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

wordless Wednesday


Wednesday, May 18Acts 1:88 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Bible Journaling and Thankful Thursday

I started doing bible journaling on a spiral notebook as I did not have a journaling bible.  I now have one and scared I am going to mess it up.  

These 2 entries were (are) some of my favorites so far

Today being Thankful Thursday, one of my favorite days to blog

Today I am thankful for free workshop on bible journaling 

my salvation



a/c for the warm weather


bills paid until next month

please join me in prayer 

for my long time friend (beverly) her husband (keith) has eshopigcal cancer

my uncle (dads twin) just finished cancer treatment hes almost 90 so please pray that it stays away.

our country 

lost souls

I hope each of you have a blessed weekend

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mothers day in Heaven MOMa


Happy Mother's Day in Heaven Moma, I love and miss you so much.  So hard to believe it has been almost 10 months since leaving your earthly home, the smile on your face as you left us was priceless and I knew you ran into Jesus' and Daddy's loving arms.    RIP mom till we meet again

PS  I hope you like the pretty flowers I put out for you.  See you again soon.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

A to Z Challenge Reflection


After going the whole month with the challenge and completing on TIME this is the first year that I did not get behind.

I did learn a lot about vintage and newer transportation.  Wikipedia was my friend who helped me tremendously.

I would like to thank the A to Z team for keeping us motivated 

looking forward to 23