Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday Fotos 3422


Tonight's beautiful sunset 3422 got to love the OK sunsets esp in the spring and fall
living in Amish country this was an extra treat on the way home this evening
This Great Blue Herron was fishing in a very shallow stream he thought he was hiding. he didnt outsmart me.  Never trust anybody with a camera
This is the other side of the creek from where the Herron was at
and yet another creek, this is an area where my parents and I went camping when I was a small child, Oh the memories that came crashing down.
The  babies are so adorable  they are identical born 2222 finally got to meeth them on Feb 26 due to all the bad weather.  These are my great nephews, this is one proud aunt.  
and yet another surprise my oldest niece and her best friend brought my great niece in the pink and great nephew along with the best friends son and a friend of my great niece.   The BIG horse is Ms. June aka DUCKY then there is sonny and pifen  in the back ground is Jack and Blaze the youngest one is 20 (the horses the oldest is 29 this year

hope everybody has a super great weekend be blessed and please remember to pray for our country and Ukraine


  1. Wonderful pictures! I love all of them!! Thank you for the pictures in color. I can see the details much better here. But the B&W are special too. Those twins are so precious!!! What a blessing!!
