Friday, March 4, 2022

Day 63 3422 bw makes me smile amish kids

Living near one of the largest Amish communities in NE OK took the back roads today and happen to see these kids with their miniature horse and buggy.  How cool is this?  So hard to believe that they still live with no electric and vehicles.  

Friday, March 042 Samuel 22:2828 You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low.


  1. They are blessed to be able to live w/o electricity and vehicles. We may all be doing that before long if the green dealers keep pushing to get their way. We may have to go take lessons from the Amish.

    1. I agree, we are too custom to electric, and most will think they will die. Would be a great way to dish our "smart phones" though.
