Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tuesday 4 Thankful



 Hello friends and welcome to Tonis Tuesday 4

Thanksgiving Day is about here. Let's talk about the holiday and thankfulness.

1. Whether you are from the USA or not, thankfulness is beneficial to a nation and people.  Is it a natural thing for you to think of being thankful or is it something you must be reminded about?  Its a natural thing, we always have something to be thankful for

2.  Plymouth Plantation is the site of the original settlement and everything is authentic to the 1600's including how they speak.    Have you been to Plymouth Rock?   How about the Plymouth Plantation (yes that is the proper spelling). Would you like to go visit these places? What places are you thankful for having seen?   I haven't been to either place, but on my bucket list.  I have seen the Alamo, and the 7 missions around San Antonio,  St. Augustine FL, St Louis Archway, Petrified Forest, Superstitious Mountain, Grand Ole Opry,  Builtmore house,  Myrtle Beach, Gulf Coast, Pacific Ocean, Smokey Mountains, (the list could go on forever)

3. Do you tune into the Macy's Parade ?  YES its a tradition!   This year my cousin will be marching in the parade, from Texas Tech University (Great job going band, and ABI)

4. What will you be eating on Thanksgiving Day this year?  traditional meal,               Turkey, ham, stuffing green bean casserole, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes with giblet              gravy, rolls, cranberry, pies. After lunch we play games, with the kids, then              exchange names for Christmas.


  1. You have been to a lot of places! I think exchanging names is a good idea. You are the second person that has posted deviled eggs which I really like, but never had for Thanksgiving. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

    1. thank you! Deviled eggs was my sis n laws tradition so it stuck :) one of my favorites. I was fortunate to get to do some traveling when younger. We have 8 adults and 8 littles so can spend a little more money for 1 vs 8 Hope your day is Thankful as well

  2. Sounds like you have a full day coming up with your family. Your meal sounds scrumptious! Oh, congratulations to your cousin for being able to march in the Parade! That is quite an honor! Be sure to take a picture when they pass by if you can! Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. by time said and done will be a full day :) My cousin Abi''s mom will be going live, and will try to capture as you know they go so fast. She is marching with Texas Tech Going Band Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful and blessed and memories are made

  3. I enjoyed reading your answers and all the places you've visited in the USA. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the parade.

    1. thank you! I had the ability to travel when I was younger :) that is just a few of the many places I have seen

  4. I loved St. Augustine. I haven't been to the other places...well, okay, the pacific ocean because i only live an hour 1/2 at the least from there. LOVe deviled eggs. I don't think anyone is making that this year and I can't add one more thing.

  5. Your Thanksgiving sounds so fun. Enjoy and eat lots.
    I got to go visit San Antonio also. That was a neat trip. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  6. Thank you! I am looking forward to spending time with family more than the food LOL but I will enjoy that as well. I loved San Antonio, so much to do and see there. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Thatś a good list of places to go.
    I hope your day was a fun day and you have drawn a nice name ...

    1. I drew my nieces name :) she is that one hard to buy for! thank you for stopping by!
